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3d Survey in the field of Architecture - Archaeology - Conservation of monuments - Industry - Tunnel construction

Vermessung eines Dachstuhls mittels Laserscanning
laser scan of a roof truss


Software developement

Our software solution for evaluation of laserscans: LupoScan

10th-12th October 2023

Intergeo2023 is coming to Berlin. We look forward to seeing you at our booth.

Lupos3D GbR
Wollankstraße 119
13187 Berlin
Tel.:  +49 (0)30 - 81 45 28 001
Email: info@lupos3d.de
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© Lupos3D GbR | Wollankstraße 119 | 13187 Berlin | Tel.: +49 (0)30 - 81 45 28 001
webdesign and coding by Herr/Frau/Firma Berlin