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LupoScan - Software to analyse 3D point clouds

LupoScan is designed to enable an easy and effective extraction of required information from laser scanning data or any 3D point clouds.
With LupoScan it is possible to reference 3D laser scans in a superordinated coordinate system. 3D-objects, floor plans, meshes and orthophotos can be created with few complexity directly in the intensity images of the laser scans or in the point clouds. Several import and export formats allow a high compatibility with other software and therefore an easy integration into existing work flows. Furthermore all created objects can be inserted in an open drawing of several established CAD-programs by a direct interface.
You can watch videos of LupoScan on our  You Tube channel.

screenshot: roof truss
screenshot: unfolding
Functions of LupoScan
2D-Viewer and 3D-Viewer
Import (Z+F, Faro, Riegl, E57, stl, obj, ply, pts, ptx, ptg, ptb...)
Save/Export (E57, l3d, dxf, stl, vml, pts, ptx, ptg, osf, ptb, tiff...)
Direct interface to AutoCAD, BricsCAD, progeCAD, Rhino
Direct interface to Palette CAD, TopSolid
Direct interface to VIS-All
Distance measurement (direct, horizontal, vertical)
Point measurement with codes from code lists
Interactive - easy modelling of geometric objects
Insertion of text and links
Generation of normal- and spot-images
Generation of Animations
Image rectification
Various filter functions  
Orientation with correlation and point preview  
Sections according user defined planes or polygons
Radial sections according a user defined axis  
Colourizing laser scans with panoramic images  
Adjusted solids (plane, cylinder, sphere)    
3D modelling tools    
Unfolded cylinder, cone and spehre    
Deformation analysis    
Volume calculation    
Orientation of photos    
Include external photos in the scans/orthophotos    
Batch processing    
screenshot: colours
screenshot: views
Free Download - LupoScan Flyer, LupoScan Viewer (Freeware)
LupoScan - Flyer (PDF)
LupoScan - Viewer
Use the opportunity to test a full version of LupoScan free of charge.
Lupos3D GbR
Wollankstraße 119
13187 Berlin
Tel.:  +49 (0)30 - 81 45 28 001
Email: info@lupos3d.de
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© Lupos3D GbR | Wollankstraße 119 | 13187 Berlin | Tel.: +49 (0)30 - 81 45 28 001
webdesign and coding by Herr/Frau/Firma Berlin